Here is what Accredify has achieved in the past year, and the direction we’ve set for 2022.
Growth in the team
Accredify’s team has grown by 210% in just 2021 alone. We’re building our capabilities to lay the foundation for accelerated growth this year, as we pursue our ambition to pioneer the world’s transition towards verifiable data.
Growth in revenue
Our revenue has quadrupled in 2021, thanks to the support of our partners. This is an immensely encouraging milestone for the Accredify team.
Growth in brands that trust us
More organisations now trust our brand and solutions. In 2021, we were helping close to 1,000 organisations worldwide, from just 50 firms in 2020. We’ve also expanded our list of partners to include international organisations such as SAP, IBM, IATA, and Becton, Dickinson and Company.
Growth in the use of verification technology
We have issued over a million verifiable documents in total. Just in the past year, we reported a threefold increase of Accredify-issued documents (we call these “Accredified documents”!) compared to 2020. Accredified documents have also been verified close to 10 million times. This is a clear signal of the world’s shift towards verification technology, as businesses begin finding ways to build trust into their daily operations and processes.
In addition to the above, together with our partners and clients, we have also achieved significant milestones specific to the Healthcare, Human Resources, and Education verticals.
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