The curiously named Furhat Robotics is planning to keep Misty Robotics’ Colorado home as the base for its U.S. operations, and is keeping eight of the most senior staff members of the company as it is finding ways to integrate the two technologies.
“We’re keeping the senior team; the head of operations, engineering, business development, and senior software developers are joining us, ” says CEO and co-founder of Furhat Robotics, Samer Al Moubayed. “Misty has done a great job in building a very scalable production operation, building the products by a well-known partner in China.”
The companies claim they are operating from a “unified vision”, and say that Furhat Robotics will continue to support the Misty Robotics brand, helping develop and expand the product range, as well as integrating Furhat and Misty features to enhance future social robots.
“Acquisitions in the world of social robotics are very rare. This might be the first time this happens in history, actually. It’s just a very early stage of the industry,” says Al Moubayed. “This company spun out of Sphero. What’s very unique about the robot is that it might look like a toy, but it’s very likable, very approachable. And yet, it’s extremely advanced. What Misty Robotics succeeded at, is they put the best technologies available in the world in a very likable robot.”
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